To enhance the buy-in of Lean principles and concepts, we provide over 50 different serious games and case studies based on a "learning by doing" approach. These materials cover both Manufacturing and Office sectors. They are designed for any audience (employees, operators, technicians, managers, ...).
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LeanPerf can provide Lean serious games to managers or employees displaying principles and concepts.
Example of a Lean game: The Tangram game

(Mouse over the image to enlarge)
Lean principles and concepts games:
- Just In Time (one piece flow, Takt time, line balancing, pull system, ...)
- Standardized work
- Waste elimination
- Pull system replenishment and Sequential pull
- Quick change Over (QCO/SMED)
- 5S Manufacturing and Office/Service
- Lean Office
- Levelling
- Pull system and Kanban
- Value Stream Mapping
- Teamwork, leadership
- Visual management
- Queue management
- Quality (workplace quality improvement tools)
- Kaïzen spirit
- Manual process poor capability
- Creativity and questioning paradigms
- ...
Some examples of Lean games:
To illustrate Lean principles and concepts, LeanPerf can provide educational training-by-example games for managers and employees :
- The plug game
- The plane game
- The crane game
- The pig (flow) game
- The Kaïzen and pull flow game
- The paper fortune teller
- The cut and stick game
- The bus game
- The bolts and plates game
- The administrative Just In Time game
- The Lean office game
- The Kanban game (pigs)
- The mailing game
- The Dentist game (VSM/MIFA)
- The SMED game
- The number game (5S)
- The official document game (5S)
- The coffee game
- The T-shirt game
- The Tangram game
- The board game
- The pig (quality) game
- The PDCA game
- The beer game
- The post game
- The colour game
- The ball game
- The operations game
- …
List of Lean Manufacturing and Lean Office / Lean Service games
List available upon request:
Call us or send us an email with your name, company, position and contact number
to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +33 (0) 9 50 69 12 70