Contact us

Do you need support to improve your performance or are you interested in our training programs ?

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For any request, do not hesitate to contact us, we will come back to you as soon as possible.


How to contact Bertrand Olivar (Managing Director and Partner at LeanPerf) :

Bertrand Olivar Mobile : +33 7 63 93 86 15 - E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


How to contact LeanPerf :

21 rue Martial Boudet
92370 Chaville - FRANCE

- Mobile : +33 7 63 93 86 15

- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and please specify your first name, last name, your company and post


Chaville is located in the southwest of Paris between Versailles and Boulogne.

Google map Chaville
Coming to LeanPerf by car:
o  From Versailles, follow signs to Boulogne - Porte de Saint-Cloud on the D910. Cross Viroflay and continue for about 2km into Chaville. Turn left into Rue Guilleminot then left again into Rue Martial Boudet.
o  From Paris, follow signs to Versailles along the D910. After entering Chaville take the first right, Rue Guilleminot, the left into Rue Martial Boudet
Coming to LeanPerf by train:
o  From Paris Saint-Lazare or La Défense, take the Versailles - Rive Droite train: get off at Chaville - Rive Droite station (21min from St Lazare and 12min from La Défense): leave Chaville R-D station on the left then turn left into Rue Martial Boudet.
Our offices are just 4 minutes from Chaville RD station.
o  From Paris Montparnasse, take a train to: Plaisir-Grignon, Rambouillet or Mantes la Jolie and get off at Chaville - Rive Gauche station (18 minutes). Leave the station on the right and continue to the junction with Avenue Roger Salengro (RN10). Take the Boulevard de la République which is just opposite on the right. At the end of this road, Rue Martial Boudet is immediately opposite you.
Our offices are about a 15 minutes walk from Chaville RG station.




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